Policy &
Agenda Item 8
Targeted Budget
Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2021/22
Date of Meeting:
7 July 2022
Report of:
Chief Finance
Contact Officer:
Jeff Coates
The Targeted Budget Monitoring (TBM) report is a key component of
the council’s overall performance monitoring and control
framework. This report sets out the provisional outturn position
(i.e. Month 12 year-end) on the council’s revenue and capital
budgets for the financial year 2021/22.
The provisional outturn is a £2.948m underspend on the
General Fund revenue budget. This includes an underspend of
£3.277m on the council’s share of the NHS managed
Section 75 services. This is a further improvement of £1.855m
from Month 9, primarily due to the quicker than expected recovery
of visitor activity during the last quarter which has significantly
bolstered income streams across a wide range of areas including the
Brighton Centre, registrars, parking fees and fines, and so on.
This means that there is an additional £1.855m of resources
available compared to what was assumed when setting the 2022/23
budget. However, the committee will be aware that the first call on
this resource is the £0.200m budget amendment approved by
Budget Council for ‘Additional Welfare Provision’.
The report also indicates that £3.243m (30%) of the
substantial savings package in 2021/22 of £10.687m was not
achievable due to a range of factors. In particular, £0.890m
was due to pressures and/or delays arising from Covid-19.
That the Committee note that the provisional General Fund outturn
position is an underspend of £2.948m and that this represents
an improvement of £1.855m compared to the projected and
planned resource position at Month 9 and taken into account when
setting the 2022/23 budget.
That the Committee note the provisional outturn includes an
underspend of £3.277m on the council’s share of the NHS
managed Section 75 services.
That the Committee approve General Fund carry forward requests
totalling £9.776m as detailed in Appendix 5 and included in
the provisional outturn.
That the Committee agree to allocate the £200,000 one-off
resources for ‘Additional Welfare Support’ to support
Emergency Food provision (£63,156) and the Local
Discretionary Social Fund (£133,844).
That the Committee approve the retention of the remaining available
outturn resources of £1.655m to provide a risk provision to
meet the anticipated additional cost of the 2022/23 NJC pay award
as set out in paragraph 10.6.
That the Committee note the provisional outturn for the separate
Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is an underspend of
That the Committee note the provisional outturn position for the
ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant, which is an underspend of
That the Committee note the provisional outturn position on the
capital programme which is an underspend variance of
That the Committee approve the new capital schemes requested in
Appendix 8.
That the Committee approve the creation of a Section 117 Reserve in
respect of advance NHS funding as set out in paragraph 9.9.
Budget Management (TBM) Reporting Framework
The TBM framework focuses on identifying and managing financial
risks on a regular basis throughout the year. This is applied at
all levels of the organisation from Budget Managers through to
Policy & Resources Committee. Services monitor their TBM
position on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the size,
complexity or risks apparent within a budget area. TBM therefore
operates on a risk-based approach, paying particular attention to
mitigation of growing cost pressures, demands or overspending
through effective financial recovery planning together with more
regular monitoring of high risk demand-led areas as detailed
The TBM report is normally split into the following sections:
General Fund Revenue Budget Performance
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Performance
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Performance
iv) NHS
Controlled S75 Partnership Performance
Capital Investment Programme Performance
vi) Capital
Programme Changes
Implications for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
Comments of the Chief Finance Officer (statutory S151 officer)
General Fund Revenue Budget Performance (Appendix 4)
The table below shows the provisional outturn for Council
controlled revenue budgets within the General Fund. These are
budgets under the direct control and management of the Executive
Leadership Team. More detailed explanation of the variances can be
found in Appendix 4. Please note that the ‘COVID Variance
Month 12’ column is a memorandum-only column identifying the
extent of the ‘Provisional Variance Month 12’
attributable to the pandemic.
Month 9
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Families, Children & Learning
Health & Adult Social Care
Economy, Environment & Culture
Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities
Finance & Resources
Strategy, Governance & Law
Sub Total
Corporately-held Budgets
Total General Fund
The General Fund includes general council services, corporate
budgets and central support services. Corporate Budgets include
centrally held provisions and budgets (e.g. insurance) as well as
some cross-cutting value for money savings targets. Note that
General Fund services are accounted for separately to the Housing
Revenue Account (Council Housing). Note also that although part of
the General Fund, financial information for the Dedicated Schools
Grant is shown separately as this is ring-fenced to education
provision (i.e. Schools). The chart below shows the monthly
forecast variances for 2021/22 and the previous three years for
comparative purposes. The impact of the pandemic clearly makes
comparisons difficult, particularly as the extent of the impact has
varied over the last two years.
Demand-led Budgets
There are a number of budgets that carry potentially higher
financial risks and therefore could have a material impact on the
council’s overall financial position. These are budgets of
corporate significance where demand or activity is difficult to
predict and where relatively small changes in demand can have
significant implications for the council’s budget strategy.
These can include income related budgets. These therefore undergo
more frequent and detailed analysis.
Month 9
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Month 12
Child Agency & In House Placements
Community Care
Temporary Accommodation
Total Demand-led Budget
The chart below
shows the monthly forecast variances on the demand-led budgets for
2021/22. The Temporary Accommodation budget improvement is due to
the application of £5.370m Contain Outbreak Management
Funding (COMF), as approved, to manage emergency housing demands
caused by the pandemic. The Community Care budget has steadily
improved due to high attrition rates, and increased NHS funding for
hospital discharge and S117 Mental Health aftercare. However, there
is also a backlog of care provision due to capacity issues across
the care sector.
TBM Focus Areas
The main pressures
identified at Month 9 are across parts of Families, Children &
Learning, Homelessness, Transport, City Environmental Management
and Culture, Tourism & Sport. Information about these pressures
and measures to mitigate them are summarised below:
Children’s Services: The outturn position includes
overspends in Services for Children with Disabilities
(£0.643m), In-House Adult Learning Disability Provision
(£0.120m) and Council Nurseries (£0.073m). However,
there were underspends offsetting these in Children’s Social
Care Services (£0.017m), Adult Learning Disabilities
Community Care (£0.757m), Home to School Transport
(£0.091m) and other variances (£0.089m). This results
in a final outturn underspend of (£0.118m) at the year
However, this
includes overspends in some areas of £0.488m due to Covid-19;
this is a combination of loss of income, impacts on savings targets
and additional expenditure given the need to mitigate health risks
posed by Covid-19.
The final position
for the central Dedicated Schools Grant is an underspend of
£0.035m. This is made up of a year-end deficit against the
high needs block of £0.341m (most notably due to an overspend
on education agency placements of £0.394m) and an underspend
of £0.381m in the early years block. Other variances in the
central services element of the Dedicated Schools Grant totalled
£0.004m resulting in an overall surplus of £0.035m at
year-end. This balance will be carried forward to 2022/23.
Adults Services: Although the overall
position is favourable, it is to be noted that this is after
applying service pressure funding of £12.700m in 2021/22
which has been used to fund budget pressures resulting from the
increased complexity and costs of care. Funding of £0.361m
was also needed to backfill the reduction in CCG funding
contributions. Over the last three years there has been an overall
£3.750m reduction in CCG funding due to pressures on local
NHS budgets.
£1.409m of
the £4.515m 2021/22 savings plan was not achieved in this
financial year. There are continued actions focused on attempting
to manage demand on and costs of community care placements across
Assessment Services and making the most efficient use of available
funds. It should also be noted that there are challenging capacity
and labour market issues across the care sector which is resulting
in a build-up of need which will see costs increasing during
directorate has a Modernisation Programme which aims to implement a
consistent strengths-based approach across key work streams,
ensuring robust pathways are in place, developing a community
reablement offer and re-designing the front door service. Currently
the Health & Social Care system is under considerable pressure
and this is generating additional costs for the council due
Pressures on NHS budgets resulting in reduced funding contributions
from the CCG;
pressures on the acute hospital resulting in increased costs to
support timely discharge into residential and nursing home
transformation of GP practices and enhancement of their clinical
screening and general medical services which contribute to
preventative support;
on NHS outreach and other preventative services including community
nursing (known as Integrated Primary Care Teams);
capacity challenges across adult social care services;
is also focus nationally on improving rates of hospital discharge
in order to accommodate winter pressures.
The funding of all
care packages is scrutinised for Value for Money, ensuring that
eligible needs are met in the most cost-effective manner which will
not always meet people’s aspirations. Established safeguards
are in place to provide assurance within this process.
Housing Services and Temporary Accommodation: Overall these
services overspent by £6.166m, however, £5.370m of
Contain Management Outbreak Fund (COMF) grant has been used to
offset this leaving an overspend of £0.796m. There are three
main elements to this:
Firstly, the budget for Temporary Accommodation (TA) has overspent
by £1.715m. A provision for underlying Temporary
Accommodation and Rough Sleeping pressures of over £1m was
provided in the 2021/22 budget, which was expected to be supported
by additional funding from the government’s announcement of
an additional £254 million national funding. However,
although core funding increased overall, it was insufficient to
support the service pressure funding and the budget therefore
remains significantly oversubscribed (by £1m) due to the
number of leased and emergency properties required.
During the year, a
further pressure of £0.715m has been experienced which
relates largely to the extra costs of block booked Emergency
Accommodation (EA) in-year, including an additional 8 properties
and reflects the rising costs of rented accommodation in the city
as interim contracts are renewed pending the re-procurement of this
service. There has also been an increased contribution to the bad
debt provision of £0.191m compared to last year reflecting
the increase in arrears for those in leased TA.
The overspend also
reflects increased rent loss and council tax costs due to leased TA
properties remaining empty, awaiting repair. The Housing Benefit
subsidy loss has also increased by £0.107m since month 9. The
number of EA homes (excluding additional rough sleeper hotels,
discussed separately below) has been reducing steadily over the
year reducing the need for spot purchased accommodation. As at 31
March 2022, there were 121 units of spot purchased accommodation
compared to a high of 202 in June 2021. This is good news and shows
that the housing transformation programme to reduce overall numbers
in TA is working. However, the increased unit costs of
accommodation in the city is a challenge and improvements are still
needed to further reduce rental income losses through properties
remaining empty.
The overall
overspend has been offset by available Contain Outbreak Management
Funding (COMF) of £0.743m which reduces the outturn overspend
to £0.972m.
Secondly, there is a very substantial cost associated with the
provision of additional emergency hotel accommodation originally
acquired early in the pandemic as a result of the
Government’s 'Everyone In' Initiative. This service has cost
£5.777m for 2021/22 and this has been funded through a
£0.650m one-off Council budget, £0.500m in Next Steps
Accommodation Programme (NSAP) funding and the COMF grant funding
of £4.627m. The costs include accommodation in various
hotels, some food, security and laundry costs as well as
dilapidations and repairs. At the beginning of the year, the
council were paying for 410 rooms but this has reduced to 47 as at
31 March 2022. The current forecast is that the remaining two
hotels will be decanted by the end of July 2022.
Thirdly, the council commissions services to assist rough sleepers
and those in supported housing. This service has underspent by
£0.176m in 2021/22. This is largely due to the underspend on
staffing costs (£0.123m) and a further underspend against
core commissioning budgets across the service (£0.053m). The
cost associated with operating SWEP (Severe Weather Emergency
Protocol) for 2021/22 were met from within the core budget and the
extra Winter Provision Grant allocated from the Department of
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
The Housing
Service will continue to work to improve pressures on the TA and
Rough Sleeper budget in the new financial year through the
Homelessness Transformation Programme which is an ‘end to
end’ improvement programme to help the service improve its
processes to reduce the use and length of stay in Temporary
Accommodation by improving homeless prevention, homeless processes
and enabling move on to more sustainable accommodation. The service
is already seeing reductions to the number of households in TA
through a combination of better prevention from homelessness and
improved move-on. Further efficiencies will be sought by (for
example) continuing to improve move-on processes, void turnaround
times in emergency accommodation, and improving income collection
thereby continuing to reduce costs in 2022/23 in line with the
budget strategy.
Environment, Economy & Culture: The Directorate has
substantial income budgets for parking, planning and venues and for
the council’s commercial property portfolio, all of which are
dependent on visitor numbers and commercial activity. There
has also been a challenging additional income target for Parking
Services of £1.750m for 2021/22. These activities and
services have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions
early in the year and the outturn reflects significant income
shortfalls compared to budget for 2021/22 in most of these areas.
The final outturn position has improved since Month 9 due to higher
Parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) income, increased roadwork
permits for backlog utility works, reduced costs in parking
services, greater Transport fee income, lower supplies &
services costs within City Development, improvements to income in
Venues and Tourism & Marketing, and credit notes received in
relation to corporate water bills. These improvements are partially
offset by the decision to take the Freedom Leisure extension cost
from revenue rather than borrow from reserves.
The overall position has seen a turnaround of the
directorate’s outturn position which has improved by
£2.972m since Month 9 (December) (from £1.354m
overspend to (£1.618m) underspend).
Carry Forward Requests (Appendix 5)
Under the council’s Financial Regulations, the S151 Chief
Finance Officer[1]
may agree the carry forward of budget of up to £0.050m per
member of the Corporate Management Team (up to a maximum of
£1m in total) if it is considered that this incentivises good
financial management. However, due to the challenging financial
situation, all requests are being presented to this committee for
consideration. Similarly, carry forwards have only been proposed
where there is clear evidence of a fully-funded, prior commitment
that was not able to be completed or undertaken by the end of the
financial year. This will normally be supported by a contractual or
purchase order commitment.
Carry forward requests include grant funded and non-grant funded
carry forwards totalling £9.776m which have been assumed in
the outturn figures above. An analysis of these is provided in
Appendix 5 split into two categories as follows:
The non-grant funded element of carry forwards totals
£4.338m. These items have been proposed where funding is in
place for contractual commitments, existing projects or partnership
working that cross over financial years and it is therefore a
timing issue that this money has not been spent in full before the
year-end. The carry forward requests include ongoing Covid-19
support schemes of £1.048m previously approved by Policy
& Resources Recovery Sub-Committee.
The grant funded element of carry forwards totals
£5.438m. Under current financial reporting standards, grants
received by the council that are unringfenced or do not have any
conditions attached are now recognised as income in the financial
year in which they are received rather than in the year in which
they are used to support services. Carry forward is therefore
required to ensure the grants are available to fund the commitments
against them next year. The total also includes a sum of
£0.035m relating to the Dedicated Schools Grant. Under the
Schools Finance Regulations, the unspent part of the DSG must be
carried forward to support the schools budget in future years.
Monitoring Savings
The savings package approved by full Council to support the revenue
budget position in 2021/22 was £10.687m following directly on
from a £10.291m savings package in 2020/21. This is very
significant and follows 10 years of substantial packages totalling
over £170m that have been necessary to enable cost and demand
increases to be funded alongside managing reductions in central
government grant funding of over £100m.
Appendix 4 provides a summary of savings in each directorate and
indicates in total what is anticipated/achieved or is at risk.
Appendix 5 summarises the position across all directorates and
presents the entire savings programme. The graph below provides a
summary of the position as at Month 9 and shows that £3.243m
(30%) is currently at risk. Of this £0.890m is in respect of
pressures relating to COVID-19. Mitigation of these risks will be
included in the development of services’ financial recovery
actions as far as possible.
Housing Revenue Account Performance (Appendix 4)
The Housing Revenue Account is a separate ring-fenced account
within the General Fund that covers income and expenditure related
to the management and operation of the council’s housing
stock. Expenditure is generally funded by Council Tenants’
rents, Housing Benefits and Universal Credit. The forecast outturn
is an underspend of £0.033m and more details are provided in
Appendix 4. It should be noted that this outturn includes the use
of an extra £2.414m in revenue funding originally set aside
for the capital programme. Without this, the HRA would have
overspent by £2.381m.
This year has been more challenging for the HRA and the overspend
(before the use of revenue funding originally set aside for
capital) is mainly the result of the catching up on the backlog of
repairs from 2020/21 together with a reduction in rent income and
extra council tax caused by empty properties awaiting works. This
year also saw an increase in the contribution to the bad debt
provision due to the increase in rent arrears. 2022/23 will be a
challenging year for the HRA given that some of these pressures
will continue into the new financial year, for example rises in
utility costs. Therefore, the service will be putting together a
financial recovery plan to try to manage within Budget for
Dedicated Schools Grant Performance (Appendix 4)
The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is a ring-fenced grant which can
only be used to fund expenditure on the schools budget. The schools
budget includes elements for a range of services provided on an
authority-wide basis including early years education provided by
the Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) sector, and the
Individual Schools Budget (ISB) which is divided into a budget
share for each maintained school. The provisional outturn is
an underspend of £0.035m and more details are provided in
Appendix 4. Under the Schools Finance Regulations any underspend
must be carried forward to support the schools budget in future
NHS Managed S75 Partnership Performance (Appendix 4)
The NHS Trust-managed Section 75 Services represent those services
for which local NHS Trusts act as the Host Provider under Section
75 Agreements. Services are managed by Sussex Partnership
Foundation Trust (SPFT) and include health and social care services
for Adult Mental Health and Memory and Cognitive Support
This partnership is subject to separate annual risk-sharing
arrangements and the monitoring of financial performance is the
responsibility of the respective host NHS Trust provider.
Risk-sharing arrangements result in financial implications for the
council where a partnership is underspent or overspent at year-end
and hence the performance of the partnership is included within the
provisional outturn for the Health & Adult Social Care
directorate. The provisional outturn is an underspend of
£3.277m and more details are provided in Appendix 4.
Capital Programme Performance and Changes
Variance: The ‘variance’ for a scheme or project
indicates whether it has broken-even, underspent or overspent.
Information on how forecast overspends will be mitigated is given
in Appendix 7. If the project is completed, any underspend or
overspend will be an outturn variance. Generally, only explanations
of significant forecast variances of £0.100m or greater are
Budget Variations: These are changes to the project budget
within year, requiring members’ approval, and do not change
future year projections. The main reason for budget variations is
where capital grant or external income changes in year.
Slippage: This indicates whether or not a scheme or project
is on schedule. Slippage of expenditure from one year into another
will generally indicate overall delays to a project although some
projects can ‘catch up’ at a later date. Some slippage
is normal due to a wide variety of factors affecting capital
projects, however substantial amounts of slippage across a number
of projects could result in the council losing capital resources
(e.g. capital grants) or being unable to manage the cashflow or
timing impact of later payments or related borrowing. Wherever
possible, the council aims to keep slippage below 5% of the total
capital programme.
Reprofiling: Reprofiling of budget from one year into
another is requested by project managers when they become aware of
changes or delays to implementation timetables due to unforeseeable
reasons outside the council’s direct control. Reprofiling
requests are checked in advance by Finance to ensure there is no
impact on the council’s capital resources before they are
recommended to Policy & Resources Committee.
IFRS changes: These accounting adjustments are only applied
at year-end and are necessary for the council to comply with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the
Statement of Accounts. This concerns the determination of items of
expenditure as either capital or revenue expenditure. Only items
meeting the IFRS definition of capital expenditure can be
capitalised; expenditure not meeting this definition must be
charged to the revenue account.
For many capital
schemes there may be instances where some of the costs are of a
day-to-day servicing nature and are not true capital expenditure.
It would be impractical for an authority to assess every item of
expenditure when it is incurred as to whether or not it has
enhanced an asset. A practical solution is therefore applied
instead and as part of the closure of accounts process an
assessment is made by capital programme managers and Finance to
determine the correct classification of capital or revenue. Where
an element of the scheme is deemed to be revenue, the capital
budgets are reduced by the same amount as the items that are
subsequently charged to the revenue account to ensure no overall
budgetary impact. These changes are designated as ‘IFRS
Adjustments’ in Appendix 7.
The table below provides a summary of capital programme performance
by Directorate and shows that there is an overall underspend of
£7.906m which is detailed in Appendix 7.
Forecast Variance Month 9
Reported Budget Month 12
Provisional Outturn Month 12
Provisional Variance Month 12
Provisional Variance Month 12
Families, Children
& Learning
Health & Adult
Social Care
Economy, Environment
& Culture
Neighbourhoods & Communities
Housing Revenue
Finance &
Strategy, Governance
& Law
(Note: Summary may include minor
rounding differences to Appendix 7)
Appendix 7 shows the changes to the 2021/22 capital budget. Policy
& Resources Committee’s approval for these changes is
required under the council’s Financial Regulations. The
following table shows the movement in the capital budget since
approval in the Month 9 report.
Summary of Capital Budget Movement
Reported Budget Month 12
Budget approved as at Month 9
IFRS changes
New schemes to be approved in this report
Variations to budget (to be approved)
Reprofiling of budget (to be approved)
Slippage (to be noted)
Total Capital
Appendix 7 also details any slippage into next year. In total,
project managers have forecast that £2.757m of the capital
budget may slip into the next financial year and this equates to
approximately 2.34% of the capital budget. The Committee will note
the unusually high reprofiling requirement which is a consequence
of the continued pandemic that has caused a wide range of delays
due to working restrictions, supply chain issues, impacts on
consultation processes and many other impacts.
Implications for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
The council’s MTFS sets out resource assumptions and
projections over a longer term. It is periodically updated
including a major annual update which is included in the annual
revenue budget report to Policy & Resources Committee and full
Council. This section highlights any potential implications for the
current MTFS arising from in-year TBM monitoring above and details
any changes to financial risks together with any impact on
associated risk provisions, reserves and contingencies. Details of
Capital Receipts and Collection Fund performance are also given
below because of their potential impact on future resources.
Capital Receipts Performance
Capital receipts are used to support the capital investment
programme. For 2021/22 a total of £3.087m capital receipts
(excluding ‘right to buy’ sales) have been received.
Receipts include a lease re-gear for commercial premises in Western
Road, Brighton, the disposal of land at Braypool Lane and Canon
Place and the transfer of Palace Place to the HRA has been
completed. There have also been some lease extensions, disposal of
parcels of land, sale of vehicles, overage payments for Vale Avenue
Cottages and some minor loan repayments
The Government receives a proportion of the proceeds from
‘right to buy’ sales with a proportion required by the
council to repay debt; the remainder is retained by the council and
used to fund the capital investment programme. The total net usable
receipts for ‘right to buy’ sales in 2021/22 is
£6.223m including £5.697m available for replacement
Collection Fund Performance
The collection fund is a separate account for transactions in
relation to council tax and business rates. Any deficit or surplus
forecast on the collection fund relating to council tax is
distributed between the council, Sussex Police & Crime
Commissioner and East Sussex Fire Authority, whereas any forecast
deficit or surplus relating to business rates is shared between the
council, East Sussex Fire Authority and the government.
The council tax collection fund ended the year with an overall
deficit of £4.309m which was a £0.016m decrease from
previously forecast position. The deficit includes £0.743m
brought forward from 2020/21 and the planned 3-year spread of
repayments to be made in 2022/23 £1.791m and 2023/24
£1.791m totalling £4.325m. The council’s share of
the improved deficit of £0.016m is £0.013m and this
will be incorporated into the surplus / deficit position for the
2023/24 budget.
The council’s share of the business rates collection fund
ended the year with a net surplus of £0.956m after allowing
for S31 compensation grant funding and is an increase of
£0.067m from the previously forecast position. The main
reason for the surplus is a higher than forecast collection of
business rates income from previous years. The £0.067m will
be incorporated into the surplus / deficit position for the 2023/24
Reserves, Budget Transfers and Commitments
The creation or redesignation of reserves, the approval of budget
transfers (virements) of over £0.250m, and agreement to new
financial commitments of corporate financial significance require
Policy & Resources Committee approval in accordance with the
council’s Financial Regulations and Standard Financial
As normal, the council’s reserves and provisions have been
fully reviewed as part of the annual closure of accounts process
and a schedule of the reserves is shown at Appendix 9. Current
reserves and balances are considered to be appropriate to meet
identified risks and expected commitments and liabilities. One new
reserve is proposed to manage a timing issue – see paragraph
9.9 below. Similarly, provisions identified during the closedown
process are considered appropriate and reasonable and will be
subject to review by the external auditor to ensure they adequately
reflect identified liabilities and obligations.
It is proposed to establish a Section 117 Reserve of
£0.300m. This is required as a risk reserve to be held
pending the outcome of the Sussex-wide Section 117 Mental Health
review which will establish new funding arrangements.
The provisional outturn position for 2021/22 indicates that
additional resources of £1.855m are available to support the
council’s financial position.
A first call on these resources is the approved budget amendment of
£0.200m relating to ‘Additional Welfare
Provision’. The amendment agreed that ‘up to
£0.200m of any improvement to the council’s year-end
financial position (TBM) be ring-fenced to provide immediately
available support during 2022/23 for:
Food support (including food for children on free school meals in
Discretionary funds, e.g. Housing and council tax
Since the budget was approved in February 2022, the government has
announced an extension of the Household Support Fund from April to
September with a further 6 months funding expected from October to
March 2023. This funding will enable significant ongoing support
for Free School Meal families during school holiday periods. The
Household Support Fund will also provide funding for vouchers to
other households and pensioners together with other city-wide
support e.g. to the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership. However,
the cost of living situation means that there remain other
emergency food provision costs and demands that cannot be fully
The report on ‘Impacts to Food Access from Cost-of-Living
Increase’ to the April Policy & Resources Recovery
Sub-Committee outlined a potential funding need of around
£0.045m, however, since this report was considered, the
situation has continued to evolve and current emergency food
demands are expected to continue for at least a further 2 to 3
months. There is also a need to provide for further storage and
distribution costs. The updated forecast of funding required to
supplement allocations through the Household Support Fund and
ensure current emergency demands can be met is follows:
Emergency Food Funding
‘on the day’ budget for buying in food based on current
caseload i.e. where a person has had no food and is unable to get
to a food bank. Administered through Community Hub/LDSF &
Impact Initiatives.
Support to
housebound residents who cannot afford to pay for food by way of
referral, with funding, to meal delivery services (10 people per
month for 2 months referral @ £150 = £18,000) and
direct deliveries from food banks (8 people per month =
Premises and coordination of emergency food
storage (£14,000 for a Coordinator with B&HFP plus
£35,000 rent, cleaning and utilities, etc)
Production and distribution of a
‘Cash-first’ leaflet
Support for CVS emergency food provision
accessed through a Community Grants process and an Emergency Food
Parcel Contingency
Total Emergency Food
Funding Requirement
With regard to the remaining available outturn resources of
£1.655m, the Policy & Resources Committee are recommended
to retain this resource to meet expected nationally negotiated pay
award costs. With inflation running high toward the end of last
year, and expected to peak in Autumn/Winter this year, and with the
greater impact this is having on lower paid employees, the council
is currently negotiating with its recognised unions regarding
options for addressing low pay. However, the national Local
Government pay bargaining process (NJC) will also be acutely aware
of the cost of living situation and has already received a joint
pay demand from Trades Unions of £2,000 or the current rate
of RPI inflation for all employees, whichever is greater.
The council’s provision for the 2022/23 NJC award is 2%, set
at a point before inflation began to dramatically increase and
before it became clear that higher inflation would persist for a
longer period. Although the employers’ side will always take
into account the significant pressures on local government funding,
the NJC award is highly likely to outstrip this provision. It is
also expected to be weighted toward lower pay grades because the
National Minimum Wage is increasing sharply and would otherwise
overtake lower NJC spinal pay points. Each 1% above the
council’s current provision will cost approximately
£1.350m to the General Fund. An award of 4%, for example,
would require £2.700m additional one-off funding in 2022/23
and would need to be accommodated permanently within the 2023/24
budget alongside provision for a 2023/24 pay award which could also
be higher than currently assumed if high inflation persists.
To further illustrate, an award of £2,000 for all employees,
as per the Trades Unions’ pay demand, would equate to a circa
7% increase to the council’s pay bill. The remaining
£1.655m available from the Provisional Outturn underspend
would therefore help to mitigate the one-off impact in 2022/23 but,
by comparison, would only provide funding for an overall pay award
of circa 3.2% and is therefore unlikely to be sufficient. Any
further resources needed for a higher award will therefore need
financial management action to attempt to mitigate potential
overspending in 2022/23.
The provisional outturn position on council controlled budgets is
an underspend of £2.948m including the council’s
risk-share of the provisional underspend on NHS managed Section 75
services of £3.277m. This is an improvement of £1.855m
compared with the projected position at Month 9 providing
additional resources for either repayment of reserves, or
allocation to other priorities or reserves.
No specific consultation has been undertaken in relation to this
The council has achieved an underspend of £2.948m for the
2021/22 financial year meaning that the overall resource position
has improved by £1.855m compared with the position at Month 9
and assumed in the 2022/23 Revenue Budget report to Policy &
Resources Committee and Budget Council in February 2022. This
represents a good outcome for 2021/22 and will provide some
resources to mitigate against the high risks building in 2022/23 on
the back of national and global inflationary pressures, including
nationally negotiated pay awards.
However, it should be noted that this position was only achievable
with support from one-off grants including an £8.023m Covid
Grant, £8.885m Contain Outbreak Management Funds, and
£0.971m Sales, Fees & Charges compensation grant (Quarter
1 only). These funding streams have now all ended but the impact of
the pandemic has not. The report identifies that there are still
people in emergency hotel accommodation following the
government’s ‘Everyone in’ initiative while the
caseload for Council Tax Reduction remains well above pre-pandemic
levels due to the impact of the pandemic on the economy, and
demands for some services, for example, Children’s Social
Care, have increased. This will place significant pressures on the
council’s budget in 2022/23 which will need to be closely
The financial implications are covered in the main body of the
report. Financial performance is kept under review on a monthly
basis by the Executive Leadership Team and cross-party Budget
Working Group and the management and treatment of strategic
financial risks is considered by the Audit & Standards
Finance Officer Consulted:
Jeff Coates
Date: 23/06/2022
Decisions taken in
relation to the budget must enable the council to observe its legal
duty to achieve best value by securing continuous improvement in
the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a
combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The council
must also comply with its general fiduciary duties to its Council
Tax payers by acting with financial prudence, and bear in mind the
reserve powers of the Secretary of State under the Local Government
Act 1999 to limit Council Tax & precepts.
Consulted: Elizabeth
Date: 23/06/2022
There are no direct equalities implications arising from this
Although there are no direct sustainability implications arising
from this report, the council’s financial position is an
important aspect of its ability to meet Corporate Plan and Medium
Term Financial Strategy priorities. The achievement of a break-even
position or better is therefore important in the context of
ensuring that there are no adverse impacts on future financial
years from performance in 2021/22.
Risk and
Opportunity Management Implications:
The council’s revenue budget and Medium Term Financial
Strategy contain risk provisions to accommodate emergency spending,
even out cash flow movements and/or meet exceptional items. The
council maintains a recommended minimum working balance of
£9.000m to mitigate these risks. The council also maintains
other general and earmarked reserves and contingencies to cover
specific project or contractual risks and commitments and which
also help to manage unexpected financial shocks.
Financial Dashboard Summary
Revenue Budget Movement Since Month 9
Revenue Budget Performance RAG Rating
Revenue Budget Performance
Year-end Carry Forward Requests
2021/22 Savings Progress
Capital Programme Performance
New Capital Schemes
Schedule of Reserves
Documents in Members’ Rooms:
Background Documents